DAWN - A NEW BEGINNING INSTRUCTIONS How to use :- Left Mouse - Forward Page Right Mouse - Back Page Both Mouse - Exit Well then lets get one thing straight, This tutorial will contain NO cunningly weaved storyline about how they got here, what evil prof is trying to destroy the world etc etc as unlike the author of the previous four BLACK DAWN games (BLACK DAWN, BLACK DAWN SPECIAL EDITION, BLACK DAWN II and LEGIONS OF DAWN. If you have not got a copy of each of them in your collection SORT IT OUT!!!) I am not master story teller so I'm just going to get down to the nitty gritty so here we go! DAWN - THE STORY SO FAR.... The BLACK DAWN craze started about 2-3 years ago when a certain Andrew Campbell coded the original DAWN game and stuck it into the world of Public Domain. It was an instant smash, The press loved it and a hell of a lot of copy's found their way into peoples software collections. An extra mission disk (BD Special Edition) was soon released and again the public lapped it up in droves. But the best was yet to come. When AJC released BLACK DAWN II it succeded in improving upon the original in every way. A small demo was released into Public Domain and bucket loads of people sent little crispy five pound notes so that they could get there hands on the full thing. BLACK DAWN II became one of the best selling Shareware games of the year. A further sequal was recently released called LEGIONS OF DAWN which is the mother of all SCIFI games and is also the biggest. It's a massive bloodfeist of a game that needs a wopping 1.5 MEG to run so if you have got the memory order your copy today!!! DAWN - A NEW BEGINNING attempts to bridge the gap between BD2 and LEGIONS. It can run on any AMIGA with 1 meg (although a 1200 is best), So get playing now !!!! GETTING STARTED Whack the disk into the drive and watch the COOL intro sequence and then wait for the main menu to come up. If your playing for the first time select NEW GAME. A character selection screen will come up. Each character has his own strengths and weaknesses so it's up to you to decide. When you have selected your character select SELECT MISSION. A list of all six missions (In the demo version) will be displayed. I recommend that you select mission one for your first time because some of the later missions are complete B*ST*RDS!!! Then get ready for the ride of your life!!!! THE MAIN DISPLAY At the far left of the screen are the options boxes. The first box turns the sound effects on/off. The second turns the scrolling on/off. When it's on whenever you rotate the screen scrolls in the selected direction, when it's off it just flicks. The third box contains all your characters stats. They include your energy and food levels and your money. The last box is for the wimps who can't handle the action, the QUIT. Right onto the main stuff. In the centre of the screen is the display window, this is where all the action is shown. Below this are the six direction arrows they are so easy to suss out I won't bother explaining them. Below this are the hands and the ammo counters. To use what ever is in the hands just click on the hand box, easy eh? THE INVENTORY To access the inventory click the right mouse button. The inventory screen will then come up. You will see to the left twelve boxes, these are the spaces in your inventory. To put/take some- thing from it just click in the right box. To the right are the following options USE - When your holding something consumable (like food) click here To use it. PAUSE - Pauses the game SLEEP - Sleep to regain lost energy The last empty box is where you put any armour you wish to wear. To exit the inventory click the right mouse button. THE HANDS This is where you put reuseable objects (Guns,Mappers ETC). You put them in your hands from inside the inventory. If you are holding any guns the amount of ammo left in the gun will be shown in the ammo counter. If it shows 0 then you better reload, fast! OTHER OBJECTS Other objects such as gems, honey (Found in boxes around the game map) can be sold in the shop for profit while other objects such as keys all have there uses. OPENING DOORS To open a door just click on it. If it's a locked door (The ones with the locks on) just hold the right key and click on the padlock. THE SHOP To enter the shop click in the small screen at the top of the shop. This will activate the shop. To scroll through the items for sale use the direction arrows. Each item has a buying price and a selling price so if you havent got the cash, you cant have it!! It leave the shop click on the icon in the top right of the shop. COMBAT Their is two types of combat long range and short range. Short range weapons include knifes and swords while long range weapons include pistols and rocket launchers. In short range combat the enemy has to be standing beside you while in long range the enemy can be anywhere in you line of fire. THE OBJECT OF THE GAME The basic object of each mission is to reach the exit and collect as much money to beef up your character while not getting killed. If you stick to those guidelines you can't go far wrong!! LOADING AND SAVING We recommend that you save your game after every mission just to be on the safe side!!! Do this from the options on the main menu. RIGHT! thats about all you need to know to play the game, other things you will learn on the way. If you have any queries or suggestions about this game we would love to here them. FULL CREDITS CODE - Shaun Watters, Tim Gilbert MUSIC - Mike Richmond, Shaun Watters SFX - Shaun Watters, Mike Richmond, Tim Gilbert, Andrew Campbell GFX - Tim Gilbert, Andrew Campbell, Shaun Watters INTRO - Andrew Campball LEVEL DESIGNS - Shaun Watters, Tim Gilbert, Mike Richmond BASED ON THE BLACK DAWN SERIES BY ANDREW CAMPBELL PACKAGES USED : AMOS PRO AMOS PRO COMPILER PRO-TRACKER 3.10 TECHNO SOUND TURBO DELUXE PAINT 4 BRILLIANCE IMAGE FX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMING SOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLACK DAWN - HELLBOUND THE FINAL AND BEST DAWN GAME EVER CONTACT ME OR YOUR FAVE PD LIBRARY FOR DETAILS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINAL MESSAGE - A hell of a lot of hard work has gone into producing this software. We hope you enjoy it ! However if you find any bugs or have questions (and if your nice enougth I might even give out the soloution for any level that your stuck on!) don't hesitate to contact us. -Thank You-